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control over和control的区别?

2023年11月08日 06:22:512网络

一、control over和control的区别?

  首先,当control作为动词时,是及物动词,后面直接接被控制的对象,此时是不加over的  例如:  Usethistechniquetocontrolyourlevelofarousal.  用这种方法来控制性兴奋程度。  但是当control用作名词时,当表示“对······的掌控”时,在control后面接介词over再接被掌控的对象。  例如:  Hehascontroloverfinancialmattersatwork.  他在单位里是掌财权的。  此时,control后面还可以接介词of  Theyhavehadeffectivecontroloftheareasincethesecurityforcesleft.  自从安全部队撤离后,他们实际上控制了该地区。  此外,常用短语还有  undercontrol尽在掌控之中  outofcontrol失控

二、flow control和congestion control的区别?

flow control: 用于控制发送方的速度,以防止导致接收方缓存溢出。 维基原文如下:flow control is the process of managing the rate of data transmission between two nodes to prevent a fast sender from outrunning a slow receiver. It provides a mechanism for the receiver to control the transmission speed, so that the receiving node is not overwhelmed with data from transmitting node.congestion control: 指在发生拥塞时控制进入网络的数据量。

三、fast energy food,slow energy food ,body-building food ,protective food指什么?

fast energy food,快能量食物

slow energy food ,慢能量食物

body-building food ,强身健体的食物(保健品)

protective food 防护食品




五、Self Control歌词?


Oh, the night is my world 夜晚才是属于我的世界 City light painted girl 城市生活艳妆女孩 In the day nothing matters 在白日里碌碌无为 It's the night time that flatters 入夜时分心情愉悦 In the night, no control 夜晚生活再无禁忌 Through the wall something's breaking 几近疯狂开始爆发 Wearing white as you're walkin' 身着白衣当你走在 Down the street of my soul 走在我灵魂的街道上 You take my self, you take my self control 你使我失去了自制 You got me livin' only for the night 你使我苟活于夜晚 Before the morning comes, the story's told 黎明来临故事将尽 You take my self, you take my self control 你却使我失去了自制 Another night, another day goes by 日夜依旧交替 I never stop myself to wonder why 从未停止求索 You help me to forget to play my role 为何你让我忘记自我 You take my self, you take my self control 你使我失去了自制 I, I live among the creatures of the night 我 我只能徘徊在夜晚里 I haven't got the will to try and fight 我还没有勇气去尝试和抗争 Against a new tomorrow, so I guess I'll just believe it 未来全新的明天所以我只能相信 That tomorrow never comes 明天永远不会再来 A safe night, I'm living in the forest of my dream 就活在这个梦境里 I know the night is not as it would seem 因我明白夜晚并非如其所见 I must believe in something, so I'll make myself believe it 我需要放过自己所以我宁愿相信 That this night will never go 今夜永远不会逝去 Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh 哦哦哦 哦哦哦 哦哦哦 哦哦哦 Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh 哦哦哦 哦哦哦 哦哦哦 哦哦哦 Oh, the night is my world 夜晚才是属于我的世界 City light painted girl 城市生活艳妆女孩 In the day nothing matters 在白日里碌碌无为 It's the night time that flatters 入夜时分心情愉悦 I, I live among the creatures of the night 我 我只能徘徊在夜晚里 I haven't got the will to try and fight 我还没有勇气去尝试和抗争 Against a new tomorrow, so I guess I'll just believe it 未来全新的明天所以我只能相信 That tomorrow never knows 明天永远不会再来 A safe night, I'm living in the forest of a dream 夜晚 我就活在这个梦境里 I know the night is not as it would seem 因我明白夜晚并非如其所见 I must believe in something, so I'll make myself believe it 我需要放过自己所以我宁愿相信 That this night will never go 今夜永远不会逝去 Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh 哦哦哦 哦哦哦 哦哦哦 哦哦哦 You take my self, you take my self control 你却使我失去了自制 You take my self, you take my self control 你却使我失去了自制 You take my self, you take my self control 你却使我失去了自制 You take my self, you take my self control 你却使我失去了自制 You take my self, you take my self control 你却使我失去了自制 You take my self, you take my self control 你却使我失去了自制 You take my self, you take my self control 你却使我失去了自制

六、organic food和whole food区别?

organic food是有机食物的意思,而whole food则是全食物的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出:

There are many foods in supermarket, but not whole food is good for us, only organic food is for us. 超市里有很多食物,但不是全食对我们有好处,只有有机食物对我们有好处。

七、food book food cook 的区别?

"food", "book"和 "cook" 是三个不同的单词,它们的含义和用法完全不同。

"Food" [fuːd] 表示食物、饮料、饮食等。例如:

- I love Italian food.(我喜欢意大利食物。)

- Fast food is not always healthy.(快餐并不总是健康的。)

- I've bought some fresh food from the market.(我从市场买了些新鲜的食物。)

"Book" [bʊk] 表示书籍、图书、留言簿等。例如:

- I've been reading a great book about history.(我一直在读一本关于历史的好书。)

- Please return the library book by Friday.(请于周五之前归还图书馆的书籍。)

- I wrote my contact information in the visitor's book.(我在留言簿中留下了我的联系方式。)

"Cook" [kʊk] 表示厨师、烹饪、烹调等。例如:

- My sister is a professional cook at a restaurant.(我姐姐是餐厅的专业厨师。)

- I love to cook Chinese food at home.(我喜欢在家里烹饪中餐。)

- Please teach me how to cook a steak.(请教我如何煮牛排。)

"Food" 和 "cook" 之间的关系是前者是被后者制作出来的,"food" 强调的是已经制成的食物,而 "cook" 则强调的是食物的制作过程。如果想要说关于食物的书,可以说 "food book",这是一个可以描述食谱或是菜单之类的书籍;但是 "food cook" 非常不通顺,因为这个短语无法给人明确的含义。

八、the food were delicious 还是the food was delicious?

我的答案是 the food were delicious 这句话的意思是这种食物非常美味可口,但是上面这个句子有语法错误,应该改为the food was delicious。


九、是made food还是cook food?

makefood是更多的制作食物,生产食品的意思; 而cookfood是烹煮食物,做饭的意思。 所以如果是用在煮饭,做菜方面的就用cookfood。



food,英文单词,主要用作名词,用作名词意为粮食; 食物,食品; 养料; 资料。


Organic Food有机食品 ; 有机食物 ; 无机食品 ; 以上的有机天然材料

food poisoning[内科]食物中毒 ; 食物中毒 ; 让我食物中毒 ; 食品中毒

junk food垃圾食品 ; 垃圾食物 ; 没有营养的食品 ; 渣滓食品
