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2023年09月11日 12:16:101网络


1979年 《笑拳怪招》

1980年 《师弟出马》

1982年 《龙少爷》

1983年 《A计划》

1983年 《龙腾虎跃》

1985年 《警察故事》

1987年 《龙兄虎弟》

1987年 《A计划续集》

1988年 《警察故事续集》

1989年 《奇迹》

1991年 《飞鹰计划》

1993年 《重案组》

1994年 《醉拳Ⅱ》

1998年 《我是谁》

2011年 《辛亥革命》

2012年 《十二生肖》

2019年 未定名的文艺片


Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong on April 7, 1954.

(成龙(Jackie Chan),1954年4月7日出生于香港。)

Born in wuhu, anhui province, he is a Hong Kong actor, director, action director, producer, screenwriter and singer.


When Jackie chan returned to Hong Kong with his family in 1961, yu zhanyuan became his master.


In the same year, he entered the Chinese drama academy founded by zhan yuan to study stage makeup and stage performance skills.


While studying at the China academy of drama, chan's stage name was yuanlou.


In a Peking Opera performance, he won attention with yuan long, yuan tai, yuan hua, yuan biao and others.


So the seven people formed the "seven little blessings".



chen是汉语拼音,而chan则更适合英美人士的发音习惯。 成龙的英文名字就是Jacky Chen(注:成龙的原姓为“陈”),其实这里是有一个典故的,因为成龙曾经在Hollywood说过,我不叫Jacky Chen,我的名字就叫成龙,你们这些外国人能记住也好,记不住就把它背下来,我有我的名字,我的名字就叫成龙…… 由于成龙在好莱乌的地位,所以外国也就改了自己的习惯,把他们叫随嘴的发音chan(也就是中国的姓氏“陈”),改成了具有中国特色的汉语拼音chen


Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong on April 7, 1954.

(成龙(Jackie Chan),1954年4月7日出生于香港。)

Born in wuhu, anhui province, he is a Hong Kong actor, director, action director, producer, screenwriter and singer.


When Jackie chan returned to Hong Kong with his family in 1961, yu zhanyuan became his master.


In the same year, he entered the Chinese drama academy founded by zhan yuan to study stage makeup and stage performance skills.


While studying at the China academy of drama, chan's stage name was yuanlou.


In a Peking Opera performance, he won attention with yuan long, yuan tai, yuan hua, yuan biao and others.


So the seven people formed the "seven little blessings".









6,《功夫梦》饰演:Mr. Han,导演:哈罗德·兹瓦特。



成龙1971年以武师身份进入电影圈。1978年主演《醉拳》成名,开创功夫喜剧片。1980年自导自演《师弟出马》破香港历史票房纪录 。1985年创作《警察故事》系列。



My favorite actor

Jackie Chan,a well-known actor. He is my favorite actor.

He was born in 1954. He finished his first movie when he was

8 years old. After that, Jackie has became a supporting role for many years.But in 1978, he performed Drunken Fist, a movie with

comedy and action. He become famous.

Except acctor, Jackie is also a great director. He directed

many famous movies, like Project A, Police story,Miracle . I think he is a talent. In his life, he has won countless prizes.

Jackie is not only a great actor but a great man as well.He gave money to charities many times.Jackie said," If I die,I will donate all my money "

This is Jackie , an actor in my eyes.






Romeo and Juliet,King Lear,Hamlet,Othello,Titus Andronicus,Julius Caesar,Antony and Cleopatra,Coriolanus,Troilus and Cres,A Midsummer Night's Dream,

Much Ado About Nothing,Measure for Measure,The Tempest,Taming of the Shrew,Twelfth Night or What You Will,The Merchant of Venice,The Merry Wives of Windsor,

Love's Labour's Lost




Jackie Chan (Cheng Long) is an actor as well as a singer. Born in Hong kong on April 7, 1954。

He film NEW POLICE STORY and MYTH made a big successe.ackie Chan as see , also contain ; be like Bruce Lee as a super star ;meaning. 

Sure enough, his 80's hegemony in Asia, it is the late 90's success in Hollywood. His success depends on his hard work。
